Life has been so hectic ever since day 1 of classes. We just finished up with Rush and I can't even begin to explain how exhausted and just drained I am.
Anyways, I haven't been able to go to YL club since the first week of school because of rush things. This week was the first week I was able to go. We meet on Tuesday nights. Tuesday came around and I was really challenged with whether to go or not. I know that this is what God wants me to do, but I had a whole things of reasons why I didn't want to go.
1. Monday was bid day, so I didn't get a lot of school work done, so I thought I could use Tuesday night to prepare for my test on Thursday, or work on Physics homework.
2. The biggest flag football game was that night. Chi O vs. ADPi.
3. I didn't have anyone to go with me. I know that might sound kinda cheesy, but I didn't know anyone there. I facebook messaged a few girls who I knew were interested in it and see if they wanted to go together.
4. I was just so SO tired, I could go to bed early.
Those were just excuses not to go. And were clearly defined later as Satan just trying to pull me away from God's plan. Needless to say, every single excuse was worked out.
1. It was just Tuesday, I had the whole rest of the week to get Physics homework done. Studying for my test? I probably wouldn't have studied anyways.
2. The flag football game didn't start till 10:30, so I would have only missed a little of it. (WE DOMINATED BTW)
3. This was my biggest concern. I prayed all day about trying to find someone to go with me. I haven't heard from any of the people I messaged and was getting really worried about it. About a hour before it was time to go, one girl messaged me back and said we could ride together. It was truly an answered prayer.
4. I am in college, going to bed early doesn't exist!
Every single one of my concerns were answered. It was just incredible to really see that this is what God wants me to do. He knows what He is doing and I just have to trust Him.
I am never one to just put myself out there. Going to a place where I knew absolutely no one was way out of my comfort zone. I prayed right before I got out of the car that God would give me peace and just comfort me. I got there and met some really great people. It was just incredible. It made me miss it so much and I am just so happy there.
It just goes to show that if you just trust in God that he will pull you through, if it is according to His plans. It also shows that Satan knows God's plans and he will do ANYTHING to mess it up. He will give you anxiety, stress, lots of work. But just remember to trust in God.
"We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love." -1 John 4:16