Wow, I haven't blogged in such a long time! I am so sorry. Life has just gotten incredibly busy lately. Anyways, God is just continuing to work in my life each and every single day.
Every week at Young Life training Eric talks about a different part of young life in Birmingham. This particular week the spotlight was on Restoration Academy and Capernaum. Capernaum is young life for kids with special needs. When I heard about this, my heart absolutely lit up and I knew this is what I needed to do.
Last semester, Spring 09, I volunteered at the Lakeshore Foundation. It's like an athletic site for people with all different kinds of special needs. I helped out with their track and field team as well as a few swim meets. These kids are the most extraordinary people I have never met. There is nothing like watching a blind kid swim a 200 meter butterfly and win. Or helping a kid in a wheelchair throw a discuss. These kids brought so much joy into my life in just the short time I was there. When I came back to my room after that night of Eric speaking, I knew special kids is my calling. I can't put into words what I was feeling at the time. It was the most exciting, fearful, joyous, peaceful feeling I have ever experienced. I know God is calling me to this. I am so thrilled to watch it all play out.
This past week we had the "scary" talk during training. This talk was suppose to help you realize if God really was calling you to this ministry or if you are doing it for the wrong intentions. I payed close attention to what Eric had to say. I wanted to make sure that this is really what God wants me to do. The whole time I just had this peace come flood inside me. It was the best feeling in the world, I know that this really is what God is calling me to do.
I have my interview this week to become a Young Life leader. So if you would please just continue to pray for that as well as my placing in either a high school or a middle school. I know God will place me in the school in Birmingham that He needs me the most.Everyday is a struggle. It's hard having to juggle tests, quizzes, homework, Young Life, small group, bible study, tutoring, and Step Sing planning all into one week. At the end of the week I look back and just sigh. I know God is going to get me through whatever He places me in. You just have to have the patience to wait for it all to be over. In the mean time, you pray for God's strength. If you are having a crazy week, just stop and pray. Philippians tells us to "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what He has done."
That's my challenge.
For other parts of my life...
My family had to put to sleep our 17 year old dog this past weekend. We have had this dog for atleast 14 or 15 years. It was one of the hardest thing to do. He was not doing well and just really needed this. Please pray for my family. I know some people might think, it's just a dog, but this was not just a dog. He was a part of my life for so many years. His name was Buddy.