This post is going to be a picture blog of some of my biggest blessings from 2010:

This was just another Jan-term. The biggest blessing from this month had to of been just spending it my best friend and roommate.

This year I applied and was accepted onto the Step Sing Committee. It was a huge honor and I loved every minute of it. I got to serve alongside my roommate, who was the director, and some of my good friends.

Jane and I also took a weekend away from reality and hit up the beach! We took a road trip to Seaside, FL. We spent the whole weekend in prayer and praise. We just needed a break from life and a weekend to praise and worship our Creator and Savior. It was such a wonderful weekend.

The best thing about this month was spring break. I went with 29 other college friends to Port St. Joe, FL. It was absolutely incredible. We spent each night worshipping and grew in relationship with each other during the day. I grew so much in my faith during this trip.

I ran my first half marathon! 13.1 miles. I did it with my best friend Emily Smothers as well as about 20 other Chi Omega's from Samford. This has been one of my goals since high school. Our goal time was to run it in under 2 hours, we finished in 1:59:??. I don't remember exactly the seconds.
Nothing really eventful happened this month. That's kinda sad.

Thanks to Jane, I was able to attend my first medical mission trip to Nicaragua. I worked with a physical therapist, Larry (pictured). During this 2 week trip, God really showed me that medical missions is clearly something that I need to do.

The biggest blessing this month was seeing my sister, Martha Blair get married. She is an absolutely wonderful person and I absolutely love having an official brother!

I went white water rafting for the first time ever with Kairos Nashville. We went to the Ocoee in Chattanooga, TN. I was obsessed with it and wanted to become a rafting guide.

I started sponsoring the sweetest little girl, thanks for World Vision.

Most crazy of all, I started my senior year of college! This is a picture of the senior pledge class in Chi O.

My best friend, Becca, got engaged this month. I couldn't have been more blessed to be involved in celebrating as well as being asked to be in her wedding come June 4, 2011!!

I finally got to go to formal with my high school best friend, Andrew. I asked him freshman year of college to attend, but due to scheduling conflicts he couldn't come. We had such a wonderful time.

I ran in the Boulevard Bolt, a 5 mile run Thanksgiving morning, with Jane. This was my first race since July due to an injury. I was so thankful to be able to run again.

I officially started dating my best friend of 7 years, Andrew.

Kara and I FINALLY placed in the cookie making party with our cookie of Michael Jackson.
Overall, this year has been so incredible. I learned many new things about myself as well as learning more about God and His plans for me. I am so excited to see what God has planned for 2011.